Dr. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology and is the Director of the KTH Energy platform. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering IVA, is a Senior member of IEEE and is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). Her research and teaching are focused on developments of the future sustainable electric power grid with special interest in reliability analysis, predictive maintenance and asset management.
She was previously Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, 2009- 2013, and with the Swedish National grid 2007-2009. She completed her Ph.D. in Electric Power Systems at KTH in 2002 and became Docent in 2008. She has spent three research visits in North America including: University of Saskatchewan in 2000, University of Toronto in 2002/2003 and with Stanford University in 2014. In 2023 she was visiting with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the SP Group.
She was awarded the Power Women of the Year 2021 handed out by the Swedish Energy minister. She has served in the Governing Board of IEEE PES (2012-2016), has been the Chair of the Swedish PE/PEL Chapter (2009-2019) and has been an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Technologies. She is a member of the steering committee of IEEE ISGT Europe and the National Committee of CIRED. She is a Program Committee of the Swedish Electro mobility Center (SEC) and is part of the expert pool for the EU commission.